What are Feature Sprints?

Feature Sprints is a framework for the software industry that applies design thinking innovation to solve real-world challenges for existing products, applications and websites. This framework can be used by businesses of any size in any industry that have a software component to it.

Feature Sprints is important because most software development teams are operating as multiple separate dysfunctional teams (Product, Design, and Engineering) with a lot of wasted time and energy. Design Thinking and Design Sprints have been instrumental in helping teams realize there are better ways to ideate and create designs for solving real world challenges. However, most of the current published content is geared toward starting new businesses or developing ideas for brand new apps, not for building new features for established products or apps. In addition, most Design Thinking processes do not include the engineering team, stop at the prototype feedback phase and do not help the development phase of the feature lifecycle become more efficient.

Feature Sprints - What Are Feature Sprints?

Anything is possible when everyone from Product, Design, and Engineering work together as one team!


Feature Sprints is now available on Amazon Kindle.


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